Thursday 17 April 2014

Building Together #6 - It Takes a Community!

Firefighter puppet

Police officers
After our visit to the ice cream shop, Alfie had some concerns for the safety of the ice cream shop and it caused the other children to start pondering too. Below are their questions:

What happens if the ice cream machine is broken?
What if the wires of the ice cream machine catch fire?
What if a robber come and takes the machine?
What happens when the ice cream store runs out of the ingredients to make the ice cream?

We looked at each question and the children thought of solutions.
Alfie: A repair man can come fix the broken machines.
Molly: Firefighters can put out the fire.
Theo: Police will catch the bad guys who took the machines.
Allye: We can just go to the grocery store to buy more ingredients to make ice cream!

Fire safety
In the end, the children realized that it takes a community to help run and maintain an ice cream store!

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