Thursday 13 March 2014

Building Together #1: Responsibilities

wipe the table
This week we focused on one of the concept for this unit, RESPONSIBILITY. Below is a conversation about responsibility with the children:
cleaning the shelf

Mary: What is responsibility?
Alfie: It's things you have to do.
Molly: Yes, you have to be responsible.
Mary: What are some responsibilities at home?
Brendan: I help tidy up.
clean cubbies
Allye: I help my baby brother.
Mary: What are some responsibilities at school?
Theo: Play!
Angela: Clean up.

We zoned in on the jobs/roles we have within our preschool community. After further discussion, the children realized that there are many responsibilities at Creative Minds. However, they noticed that most responsibilities have to do with keeping our school clean and following rules so everyone feels safe and comfortable at school.
clean art trays
wash chairs
mopping the floor