Thursday 23 May 2013

Express Yourself #6 - Pirate Feast

Ahoy matey!

"Walk the plank!"
When the I read the book How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long, the children were intrigued with the way pirates act, especially with their table manners. It made them want to dress up as pirates and try acting like one.  We had a pirate feast and during the feast, the children talked with their mouth full, ate with their hands, did not say "please" or "thank you" and at the end of the feast they didn't need to clean up (but we cleaned up after we took off our pirate costumes)! They had so much fun that it attracted children from the other group and they asked if they could participate in our activity. Enxin said, "Hey, why not invite them to a pirate feast too and we can show them how to be a pirate." So the next day the Water Group hosted a pirate feast. They expressed their knowledge about pirates through reading their Pirate book and a short skit of pirates walking the prisoners off the plank. The show was followed with a mighty feast that everyone greatly enjoyed!

Eating like a pirate
Serving our guests at the pirate feast
Preparing for the feast

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