Tuesday 14 January 2014

Then and Now #1: Start of the New Unit

Drawing something from the past or the present

Last week, I asked the children to share their ideas of what existed a long time ago. As each child shared his/her idea, another would say: "But we have that now too!" They all looked quite confused.
Then we browsed through the book How People Lived by Jim Pipe, to help them compare the past with the present. The book showed how cavemen used to live and how other ancient civilizations were like. The children noticed many things from the past, like how there were no roads, people do laundry in a tub, and there was no bathroom! The children were especially interested in the different houses that people used to live in, starting from the caves for the cavemen to the modern skyscrapers that we have now.
Children's ideas before looking at How People Lived
Children's ideas after looking at the book


  1. This made me laugh, don't they know that in the olden days we had Sega Megadrives, white dog poo, 4 TV channels and maps made of paper.

  2. Alfie asked me the other day whether they had houses when I was a kid or whether I lived in a cave. Very funny! The concept of time is so difficult for them to grasp - I think this is such a great unit of inquiry for starting to give them some basis in this area.
