A few days after our collage was finished, Allye noticed something different in the area that she worked on. There were dandelion seeds! The children put their brains together to try and solve this mystery. First, Allye remembered that she glued a closed flower and not dandelion seeds. The children started to ask many questions. How could that happen? Did the bud grow? Theo noticed that there is dirt where the dandelion seeds are and he said the dirt helped it grow. From our discussion, I decided to start talking about the parts of a plant and their jobs. The children got their shovels and buckets ready and we went outside to dig for some wild flowers. We kept in mind that we need the whole plant so that means we have to dig up the roots too.

We brought the flowers back to school and identified the roots, stem, leaves and flower. When the children were familiar with each part, we dissected it. Below are their observations about a dandelion:
Alfie: There's no pollen.
Molly: The stem is really sticky.
Allye: Inside the root, it's white.
Theo: The root is very hard.
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