Observing the water |
I began group time with an experiment with the children today. I filled a bowl with water and asked the children to observe. I struck the side of the bowl and here are their observations:
Molly: I see waves.
Allye: The water jumps out.
Alfie: I hear "ding".
Different ways to pluck the elastic |
I told them the tiny waves they see are called vibrations. Below is our conversation to connect vibrations to sounds:
No movement from water.
Mary: Can you hear a "ding" now?
Children: No.
I hit the side of the bowl.
Children: I hear "ding"!
Mary: Do you see the vibrations too?
Children: Yes!
Mary: Now look closely and see what you notice about the vibrations and the "ding" at the same time.
I hit the side of the bowl again.
Alfie: There's waves when the ding starts!
Molly: And when the ding goes away the vibration disappear!
Feeling the vibrations |
I love it the way they collaborate together to get a conclusion! I explained further that sound is produced through vibrations.
The children checked their understanding with elastic bands and a jumping macaroni game. The group was very creative in finding ways to produce sounds and vibrations with the elastic bands. The children had a blast when they tried to make the macaroni jump off the drum through vibrations.