Thursday, 25 October 2012

Circle of Friends #7 - Summative week (Pet rock)

We are nearing the end of our unit and this week all the children met together to give their thoughts on what they have learned about friendship. Wendy read the story Hunwick's Egg and told the children about a long time ago, a company created "pet rock" where people used the rock as something to talk to and take care of. After the story, each child picked out one rock from a pile that they would make into their own pet rock. They painted their rock and as they were painting there were asked to think about whether it is possible to have a rock as a friend and how they are going to treat it.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Circle of Friends #6 - How are we connected with our friends?

Last week, the Water group studied the characters in the book Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley. The children thought it was interesting to see two best friends with such different personalities and interests. They do agree that friends don't always have to like the same things, the two most important things in friendship are caring and helpful.
Then the children paired up and using a venn diagram compared their likes and dislikes with each other. They giggled each time they found a common interest between themselves.  At the end, they commented on how the two are friends and what they would do for/with each other.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Circle of Friends #5 - Giving and Receiving of Friendship

Decorating for the party
Wow, the children sure had a great time doing group time with Lina. They told me all about the tea party they hosted (inpsired by the book Miss Spider's Tea Party). The Water Group children did not want to exclude anyone so they sent invitations to all the children in the other 3 groups. They said it took them many days to prepare for the party. They had to make the invitations, send them out, decorated the room and prepared cakes, fruit and tea. They had tons of fun and were so proud to host a party for their friends.
Getting ready for the party
Practicing to say "Please" and "Thank you"