Trying different instruments. |
The children from Water Group were wonderful at sharing their ideas and questions during our formative assessment week (where we find out the children's knowledge and inquiries of our new unit).
Throughout this unit the children will explore the idea of how sound and music are used to represent people's feelings, ideas and cultures.
Some music makes us feel peaceful. |
The children were introduced to instruments from different instrumental groups and here are their opinions. Orin and Becky like the sound that a flute makes. Owen feels happy when he hears the piano. Pauline likes the sound of the horn and Jack likes the happy sound a harmonica makes. Judy thinks it is very tricky to make the sound of a frog (a wood instrument we have at the centre).
Later I played different classical music and one reminded Serena of ballet (and she started to dance).
Using our ears to listen. |
Then Becky asked, "Do sound goes in from one ear and out the other ear?" and Owen asked, "Do sound bounce around? Does it bounce from ear to ear?"
What a great start to our new unit!